Oscar winner Russell Crowe flew to England this week to share his wisdom about acting with a thrilled group of students at Durham University.

The 'Robin Hood' star, 47, was all smiles while posing for photos with his new protegees. Crowe told the BBC, "We did a little vocal warm up, then I took them outside to do an exercise in leadership and using the space around you." He called Durham "gorgeous," adding, "I'll be bringing the wife back."

The actor-turned-educator raved about the students on Twitter after the master class: "Brilliant day at Durham University. Many thanks." Calling the experience "a privilege," he added, "Great group of kids, funny, smart, brave, I really enjoyed myself."

Crowe's visit was facilitated by a longtime friend, U.S. journalist and author Bill Bryson, who has been the school's chancellor since 2005. Fulfilling an old promise to Bryson to visit the campus as a guest mentor, Crowe went public last month with a tweet announcing his plans to teach.