Thursday, January 6, 2011

Watch The "Black Swan" Makeup Tutorial That's Actually Biting Social Commentary

Maybe you haven't seen "Black Swan" yet, but everyone by now knows that movie is CRAZY. True story: yesterday I saw "Black Swan" and as the credits were rolling, my mom goes, "Which one was Winona Ryder?" And I said, "The crazy one." And then some random woman who overheard us added, "They were all crazy." You know what else is crazy in that movie? The makeup. That's why YouTube star GlowPinkStah has filmed herself doing a wacky-ass "Black Swan" makeup tutorial for Natalie Portman's signature look. But seriously, no one watches her videos to see her do makeup. Her ridiculously dry sense of humor and biting social commentary is worth the spoilers. If you've seen "Black Swan," it will make more sense. But either way, go get yourself a diaper because you're gonna pee yourself laughing. It's ... dare I say ... perfect. [YouTube]


Noureen DeWulf Amanda Peet Ashley Scott Jennifer Sky T.A.T.u.

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