Monday, December 20, 2010

Beyonce and Jay-Z: Land Down Under Lovers

Living the good life in the Land Down Under, Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z were spotted out on the balcony of their hotel in Perth, Australia on Sunday (December 19).

The "Halo" singing hottie and her "99 Problems" hip-hop star hubby enjoyed the oceanfront view while cuddling up as curious passerbys and paparazzi gathered on ground level to catch a glimpse of the power couple.

Beyonce and Jay are situated in Aussieland as the 41-year-old rapper continues tour efforts with U2 - most recently performing at Patersons Stadium on Saturday night.

During his set, Jay-Z treated the audience to a range of hits including "Empire State of Mind," "Forever Young" and "Run This Town" before closing things out while joined by Linkin Park for a rockin' rendition of "Numb".


Bianca Kajlich Dido Halle Berry Diane Kruger Lori Heuring

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